Научные контексты «звездного ужаса»
Комментарий к Андрею Белому
Варвара Кукушкина, Илона Светликова, Павел Юшин
Die Welt der Slaven 65 (2020) 1, 73–88
Scientific contexts of the “Fear of Stars”: A commentary on Andrej Belyj
Fear of stars was frequently expressed at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. It was rooted both in apocalyptic fears and in the rejection of modern cosmology current at that time. Besides, morbid fears, of great interest to the contemporary psychiatry, included the so-called “astraphobia”, fear of lightning, gradually re-interpreted as fear of stars, which contributed to the attention to the topic. All of these contexts have to be taken into account when commenting on Andrej Belyj’s “Sphynx” (1905) and “Second Symphony (Dramatical)” (1902).
Keywords: Copernican model of the universe, Kant, Darwinian evolution, neurasthenia, astraphobia
Varvara Kukushkina, National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg; turbobarby@gmail.com
Ilona Svetlikova, National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg; isvetlikova@hse.ru
Pavel Yushin, National Research University Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg; p.k.yushin@gmail.com
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