Футурально-хабитуальная полисемия в балканских языках
future tense, habituality, irrealis, Macedonian language, Aromanian languageAbstract
The futural-habitual polysemy in the Balkan languages
The article examines the morphology and grammatical semantics of future forms in Macedonian and Aromanian, specifically the widespread polysemy of future forms and the influence of the Macedonian language onto the grammar of an Aromanian dialect. There are two types of futural-habitual polysemy in the Balkan languages: The meaning of habituality in the past is expressed (1) by the future or (2) by the future-in-the-past. The area of the first type is situated in the south-east of the Balkan peninsula and includes Greek, Aromanian and Slavic dialects. The second type (i.e. the “Balkan conditional” of the form voluntative particle + imperfect) is widespread in West Balkan Slavic and Aromanian but absent in Greek and East Balkan Slavic.
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