Forms of address used by Ukrainian bilingual civil servants in professional communication




addressing, professional communication, bilingual civil servants, colleague, users of civil services, national identity


Over the past one hundred years, Ukraine has undergone at least two paradigm shifts in addressing. Nowadays, among the forms of address recommended for civil servants to use in professional communication there are both traditional address forms of Ukraine and Eastern Europe and those associated with the Soviet era. This complexity complicates the communication process because it creates a certain risk that the recipient rejects the form of address chosen by the communicator. This situation is particularly acute in traditionally bilingual border regions of Ukraine. The empirical study allows us to answer the question: What forms of address are used by bilingual civil servants in various types of professional communication? By establishing the relationships between certain forms of address used by bilingual civil servants and the parameters of their national identity, the authors were able to analyze more deeply the personal meaning of different forms of appeals in the professional communication for bilingual civil servants.


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