Sprechen und Wissen

Zum kognitiven Aspekt der Sprachhandlungen





functional linguistics, pragmatics, speech act, illocution, 2nd person, Russian language


Speaking and knowing: On the cognitive aspect of speech acts

The author considers the correlation between grammar and pragmatics as a problem of functional linguistics. The focus of attention is on pragmatic restrictions on the use of grammatical forms, i.e. the extent to which the grammatical meaning corresponds to the characteristics of speech acts. In this respect, the author analyzes the functioning of Russian imperfective verbs in the second person of the indicative. The analysis of the material taken from Russian National Corpus shows that the verbs in the 2nd person are almost never used to implement representative (assertive) speech acts. However, the use of 2nd-person verbs in the general-personal, indefinite-personal and in the meaning of the 1st person has a mass character. The author concludes that the pragmatic-cultural factor has a decisive impact on limiting the use of the verbs in the 2nd-person form.


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